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February 2019

Cloverleaf DRIVER

Cloverleaf DRIVER was developed specifically for you, the auto transport professional to help you deliver your vehicles more efficiently. This guide will help you with the basic workflow of the system as well as reference some if its most used features. Keep in mind that features may be added at any time and the procedures may change slightly from time to time as improvements are made.

Logging In

You will need your account name and password to log in to Cloverleaf DRIVER. After logging in the first time, you may not ever have to use your account number and password ever again as it is protected by your iPad passcode. You WILL have to always have your 4-digit passcode handy as this will in effect, become your password to the system.

When you log in, you will automatically be taken to your list of jobs. This could be considered the "Main Screen", as it is where you will go each day to see the jobs you have lined up to work. Tap Work Orders from just about anywhere.



At the top of page will be a Title Bar. This serves three main purposes:
  1. To show you where you are. Yellow means you are on YOUR Work Order List. When you are on one Work Order page, it will be blue. Other colors mean you are on a screen to perform a specific function.
  2. To provide a neutral zone for touching when you need to get out of the fields on the screen. In this illustration, everything inside the orange box is the neutral zone. If you are given the chance to edit anything with the keyboard, you can touch here to exit the keyboard. Get in the habit of using the neutral zone.
  3. To close the app. The white circle with the X will close the entire app when tapped. You may go your whole life and never need to close the app, because closing the cover of your iPad case, will disconnect you from the app, and quickly re-connect you when you open it later. The X circle is a manual way to close and disconnect.


The green area is the Navigation Bar. It will show you your current status and where you want to go next. The dark green box is the current screen (in this case, Work Orders). Tap Clear Completed to remove all the completed Work Orders from your list.


Go to the Drivers Info for driver, email, tech support, and system settings.
Generally, (when backing up is available) the button on the left will be a "back" button and the one on the right, a "forward" action.

List of Work Orders and Screen Parts

The yellow bar across the top tells you that you are on YOUR Work Order List. This page will show all of your current work orders and even recently completed ones. You can think of this as the main page or the home page. Here you can see the date each Work Order was added, the destination city, number of units and current status. If you have several work orders showing on this page, they will always be sorted in order of Status. You can select any Work Order by tapping the right arrow, which will take you to a specific Work Order.


The different parts of the screen have different functions:

At the top of page will be a Title Bar. This serves three main purposes:

  1. To show you where you are. Yellow means you are on YOUR Work Order List. When you are on one a Work Order page, it will be blue. Other colors mean you are on a screen to perform a specific function.
  2. To provide a neutral zone for touching when you need to get out of the fields on the screen. In this illustration, everything inside the orange box is the neutral zone. If you are given the chance to edit anything with the keyboard, you can touch here to exit the keyboard. Get in the habit of using the neutral zone.
  3. To close the app. The white circle with the X will close the entire app when tapped. You may go your whole life and never need to close the app, because closing the cover of your iPad case, will disconnect you from the app, and quickly re-connect you when you open it later. The X circle is a manual way to close and disconnect.

The green area is the Navigation Bar. It will show you your current status and where you want to go next. The dark green box is the current screen (in this case, Work Orders). Tap Clear Completed to remove all the completed Work Orders from your list.

Most of the time, the Message Bar will be empty. If we have a message for you, it will show here, but only for a limited time. This is not a system wide message for all drivers, IT IS FOR YOU SPECIFICALLY.

The Work Order List will show all of your recent jobs. They will be sorted by Status, with completed jobs at the bottom. Tap the arrow to the right to go to that Work Order. To remove the completed jobs from your screen, go to the Navigation Bar and tap, "Clear Completed".

The very bottom bar on the page will show some info related to that page. In the example above, there is no additional info. This will possibly be used in the future. On the Work Order page, it will contain the name and signature of the Signer and hold a copy of the completed Delivery Receipt.


Each Work Order will start for the driver in the READY status. This simply means that it has been assigned to you and is ready for you to work (unless the dispatcher tells you differently). This is one specific job, the same thing as a Bill Of Lading that you formerly used on paper. The blue header means that it is a Work Order and describes one or more vehicles going to one specific dealer.
The Work Order below shows 1 vehicle. From here to completion, the dark green button will indicate the active status (in this case, READY). The left white area shows the Pickup Location, and the right area shows the Delivery Location. You can tap the > to get details for each of those locations. The light yellow box below each Location is the ID# of those Locations. Touching the "Work Orders" button will take you back to the list of Work Orders. When you are ready to go inspect your first vehicle, tap "Go To Inspect". Please do not tap this until you are ready to inspect


Something to note: On any of the Work Order screens, you can tap on the vin line, and it will highlight the row, but it will not actually do anything. It just highlights the row in green. HOWEVER, tapping the green Unit # on the far left end, or the magnifying glass on the far right side (when it appears) WILL perform an action. The purpose of the green highlight is just for your use.

Work Flow

  1. Work Orders will show up on the list as READY
  • Check list of vehicles
  1. When ready to inspect, tap GO TO INSPECT
  • In INSPECT status, do all inspections
  • Do NOT tap LEAVE until you are ready to approach the gate
  1. Tap LEAVE when exiting, this takes you to ROAD status
  2. Tap DEALER when you arrive at the Dealer (before you unload), this will put you in DEALER status
  • Enter Dealers damage exceptions and a comment if necessary
  • Choose Agents name from the list
  • If his name is not there, please add it
  • Let him view receipt
  • Get Agents signature
  • Tap Accept
You can then go on to the next work order. At some point, you may want to tap REMOVE COMPLETES to get those out of the way.

Exception Comments

Comments can be made for any damage exception. They can be done at Pick Up or Delivery and they are separate comments for each exception. When you enter a comment for an exception, please keep it as short as possible while keeping it as descriptive and accurate as possible. The reason it needs to be short is because we have limited space on the delivery receipt for it to show up. Anything under 100 characters should be fine. And remember, the bottom line is you are commenting to keep us out of a potential claim. Outward breaks in glass or outward dents in sheet metal are extremely important to note because those cannot be claimed as transportation damage. Comments should be simple and direct and please word them so anyone can understand the condition. Any time a comment is made, it should be accompanied by at least one photograph to confirm what you have typed into the comment. If you have entered a comment at pick up, don't forget to add the same comment at delivery. The comment you make will appear on all documents given to the dealer, to the manufacturer and anyone involved in the claims process. The (delivery) comment will appear on the delivery receipt that the dealer is signing. And remember the Primary Delivery Rule: CALL! Call if you need some help, call if you're not sure. Just call anyway - Tony Key. 972-557-8210

To add a comment (at Pick Up or Delivery) first, enter the complete three part exception code and take pictures. Then, tap the "More" button

Then the "Comment" button

Then type your comment into the area provided. If this comment is being made at time of pick up, it will not transfer to the delivery comment. You will have to enter the comment again when you are with the dealer.

Tap Submit, (or Cancel if you chicken out). Then you will tap Submit which will submit the exception and the comment.

Original Pick Up Exceptions

At some point after you leave the yard, you may need to look back and see the original pick up exceptions you recorded at the yard. This can be done on the Work Order by clicking the green number to the left of the VIN. (This was the same button you touched to remove a vehicle when you were at the yard). At this point, it will load a screen on top that will show you the vin and the pre-existing condition and any comments you made before you loaded. This may be especially useful when you are at the dealer and you can't remember the exact codes you used to record the existing damage and you want the codes to match exactly.

Tap the green unit number to the left of the vin.

Here, you can now see your original exceptions and comments